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From the Basic Formal Ontology (BFO):
BFO: [http://jowl.ontologyonline.org/bfo.html?owlClass=http%3A//www.ifomis.org/bfo/1.1/snap%23Role Role]
A role is: A realizable entity [snap:RealizableEntity], the manifestation of which brings about some result or end that is not essential to a continuant [snap:Continuant] in virtue of the kind of thing that it is, but that can be served or participated in by that kind of continuant [snap:Continuant] in some kinds of natural, social or institutional contexts.
All BFO concepts can be explored here: http://jowl.ontologyonline.org/bfo.html
Basically, a role pretty much means what you think it means. If you can stop doing it without stopping being yourself, it's a role. You can play the role of president, or person who is sitting in the corner. Being a two-legged mammal is not a role, however (and don't get started on what happens if you have to have a leg amputated).

Latest revision as of 18:39, 6 November 2010


BFO: Role